How Online Digital Services Providers Can Improve Security and User Experience By Implementing Voice Biometrics


The ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is causing great disruption in our lives. Governments from around the world are implementing stringent measures to contain and slow the spread of the virus. These measures include social distancing and working from home. This impediment has further pushed people into a more digital and mobile workforce. However, this digital change has also brought upon an increase in cybercrimes, as cybercriminals take advantage of the vulnerable and/or unaware.

Lately, there have been reports of an increase in cybercriminal activities related to the coronavirus such as phishing scams and ransomware attacks. This prompts organizations around the world such as Norton, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) to release statements regarding protection against cyber scams. With people working from home and beginning to access work portals and databases from their home network, cybercriminals are targeting those with less secure home network infrastructure. Working from home also means adopting new online services to accommodate the digital working environment. Many companies are integrating new services such as project management, customer relationship management and file storage cloud services to continue operations.

As these service providers experience an influx of new customers, they should also prepare for the increased probability of cyberattacks by implementing better, industry-leading, security measures. One security measure these service providers must consider is voice biometrics. Voice biometrics provides the capability to identify and verify an individual by using their voice. Auraya, a world leader in voice biometric technology, provides this capability along with fraud detection capabilities. Auraya’s EVA voice biometrics technology allows service providers to implement voice biometrics into their existing solutions, improving security and user experience.

EVA voice biometrics can be integrated into contact centers, increasing automation and reducing agent-handling times, helping improve efficiency and reduce costs, especially when experiencing an increased number of inbound calls. Service providers can also implement EVA into their online portals, ensuring that only verified users can gain access, securing confidential files and information. Another use case for EVA voice biometrics is using voice biometrics to verify an identity instead of costly and jarring OTP SMS codes when requesting for a password reset.

EVA voice biometrics utilizes numerous patented capabilities to ensure the best security and user experience. With Active Learning, each successful verification improves that user’s voiceprint, allowing for a more efficient and secure experience over time. Speaker-specific Thresholds and Speaker-specific Background Models allow organizations to set specific thresholds per user or use case, ensuring a consistent level of security for every user. EVA also provides fraud detection capabilities via fast cross-matching and impostor mapping processes, allowing organizations to check and match voiceprints against other voiceprints in the database and/or against a list of potential impostors.



Improving Efficiency and Preventing Fraudsters in Call Centers with EVA Voice Biometrics


Auraya Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statement