Frequently Asked Questions
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Below are answers to some commonly asked questions about our technology, services, and more.
1. What is voice biometrics and how does voice biometrics work?
Voice biometrics analyzes the unique characteristics of an individual's voice to verify their identity. Voice biometrics works by enrolling a sample of an individual's voice and extracting unique features from it to create a digital representation called a voiceprint. It utilizes both physical traits like the length and shape of an individual's vocal tract plus behavioral factors such as accent, and speech patterns to create a voiceprint. The voiceprint can then be used for authentication purposes. By comparing a person’s voice against a stored voiceprint to determine if there is a match the speaker's identity claim can be verified.
2. Is voice biometrics secure?
Yes, Voice biometrics is highly secure, particularly compared to traditional knowledge-based questions and device-only tokens. The technology analyzes multiple factors of a voice, making it extremely difficult for impostors to bypass authentication. Additionally, voiceprints are encrypted and stored securely to protect against unauthorized access.
3. What are the benefits of improving agent experience (AX) through voice biometrics?
Agent experience is enhanced because voice biometrics enables an agent desktop to be prepopulated with the caller's details meaning an agent can serve customers easily as soon as they engage in a conversation without needing to ask confronting manual verification questions.
Improved agent experience leads to higher retention rates, resulting in more experienced agents and reduced recruitment and training costs, ultimately increasing operational efficiency.
4. Can voice biometrics be fooled by recordings or voice imitation?
Auraya’s voice biometrics solutions employ sophisticated countermeasures to prevent spoofing attacks that use recordings or voice imitation. By analyzing voice patterns in real time, these countermeasures reliably distinguish between live speech and pre-recorded audio.
5. How accurate is voice biometrics?
Voice biometrics can achieve high levels of accuracy, with verification rates exceeding 99%. Accuracy does vary depending on factors such as the length of the voice sample provided. Auraya’s patented voice biometrics can continue to collect 2-second samples of a caller's voice throughout IVR and agency conversations enabling virtually all callers to be verified seamlessly.
6. What benefits are gained from fraud reduction with voice biometrics?
By reducing fraud-related costs, such as remediating fraud for customers and potential compliance penalties, voice biometrics enhances operational efficiency and protects against financial losses and brand damage.
7. What are the implementation options for voice biometrics?
Voice biometrics can be implemented as a:
VBaaS is Auraya’s Cloud-based solution where the voice biometric solution is fully managed on auto-scaling highly available highly secure AWS infrastructure, offering scalability and fast deployment and data sovereignty for all locations globally.
On-premises/ or client private cloud: In this configuration, Auraya provides its voice biometric software behind an organization’s own firewall, for organizations that are required to retain direct control over their data.
8. Does Auraya’s EVA voice biometric solutions protect against deepfakes?
EVA voice biometrics is equipped with advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technology to detect and prevent synthetic voice threats, commonly known as “deepfakes”. EVA uses patented AI that compares a voice sample to synthetic voice models, to ensure that the voice being authenticated belongs to a real person and is not a deepfake.
9. How successful is Auraya's enrolment strategy for voice biometrics?
By emphasizing security and convenience benefits, enrolment rates typically exceed 95% of target customers. This take-up rate assumes a passive approach that does not require customers to repeat a contrived phrase multiple times.
10. How does EVA voice biometrics enhance Customer Experience?
EVA voice biometrics allows customers to authenticate themselves simply by speaking, eliminating the need for passwords and security questions. EVA reduces the time customers spend on authentication and enhances their overall experience.
11. How does EVA voice biometrics eliminate manual verification and improve efficiency?
EVA voice biometrics reduces agent handle time and eliminates the need for manual verification by automating identity verification in the IVR or during agent conversations (or both), leading to faster service and reduced call duration/Average Handling Time.
12. How does EVA voice biometrics enhance privacy for customers?
EVA voice biometrics enables organizations to display pre-verified customer account details without exposing personally identifiable information (PII) on agent desktops - improving privacy, and enabling more remote work options for agents.
13. How does EVA voice biometrics contribute to regulatory compliance cost reductions?
EVA voice biometrics assists in regulatory compliance by reducing the number of customers needing regular KYC re-ground truthing checks. Every time a customer confirms their identity with a trusted biometric the account can be confirmed as not being phoenix reducing the frequency of the expense of additional KYC checks.
14. How does EVA voice biometrics provide Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) benefits?
EVA voice biometrics enables elevated security and continued account access for customers in disadvantaged circumstances, victims of identity theft or those in domestic violence situations can elect to have their account details locked to anyone who doesn't have a voice biometric match making it difficult for bad actors to take advantage of these disadvantaged cohort- improving inclusivity while reducing the costs associated with providing tailored services.
15. How do I get started with EVA voice biometrics?
To get started with voice biometrics, register your interest at info@aurayasystems.com, or simply click contact us, and someone from our team will reach out to discuss your requirements. Our team of experts will guide you through the implementation process and help you leverage the power of Auraya’s voice biometric solutions for enhanced security and user experience.

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