Auraya Attending Global RegTech Showcase 2020


CEO Paul Magee will be presenting at the upcoming global RegTech showcase ‘Speech and Voice Data Analytics’. The topic for the online showcase will be ‘RegTech Solutions in a COVID-19 World’. Other presenters include Daisee, Recordsure, Cognitive View and Call Journey. The event is scheduled to go live on August 6 from 4.30PM to 5.45PM AEST. The showcase will highlight unique and advanced technological solutions and capabilities that can help people and organisations during trying times such as a pandemic like the COVID-19.

If you would like to attend the online showcase and listen to Paul Magee present, head over to RegTech’s registration page here.

Event: Global RegTech Showcase 2020

Location: Online

Date: August 6, 2020

Time: 4:30PM - 5:45PM, UTC+10

Link: Webpage


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