Auraya Attending Capgemini Week of Innovation Networks 2018


Auraya will take the stage at the Capgemini Week of Innovation Networks on 26th September to discuss how we leverage machine learning to deliver enhanced government and citizen solutions. The Capgemini Week of Innovation Networks is one of the largest technology and innovation events globally, taking place in 27 cities across 17 countries.

This year, the event at Telford, UK, focuses on Artificial Intelligence and Applied Innovation and showcases disruptive technologies that drive innovation such as Auraya’s ArmorVox voice biometrics technology.

Clive Summerfield – Founder and CTO of Auraya, will share his insights on how the technology has helped transform citizen services for Internal Revenue Department (IRD) in New Zealand.

IRD rolled out Voice ID for citizens in 2012 and has over 70% of the New Zealand population enrolled in the system today. ArmorVox is the underlying voice biometric technology that powers Voice ID, and was licensed to Vodafone New Zealand and Salmat, who run the project as a managed service contract for IRD.

Implementing voice authentication has resulted in cost savings of 40 seconds per customer per call. IRD spends less time managing each citizen query and handles more citizen calls in a day. Citizens experience less wait times on calls and get queries resolved faster.

Alongside improved efficiency and customer experience benefits, IRD can track and manage identity-related fraud in real-time with ArmorVox patented Impostor Maps, fast cross-matching and Hot Lists capability. By delivering superior security outcomes, voice biometrics upholds regulatory compliance around customer identity and privacy.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn about technology trends shaping various industries – we look forward to meeting you at the Capgemini Week of Innovation Networks event this week.

Event: Capgemini Week of Innovation Networks 2018

Location: Telford, United Kingdom

Date: September 24, 2018

Time: All day, UTC+1

Link: Webpage


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