How to Improve User Adoption of Voice Biometrics


The adoption stage is a crucial part of a successful voice biometric implementation plan. 

A new identity verification solution that provides clear benefits to consumers and organizations can still fail to deliver the planned benefits if the adoption stage is not done correctly. Voice biometrics allows users to verify their identity by simply using their voice. However, some users may be concerned about the security and privacy risks associated with using voice biometrics and may be reluctant to enroll their voices.

While fingerprint and facial recognition technology has been popularized by smartphones over the past decade, voice biometrics has not seen the same exposure. Fortunately, if voice biometric solutions are implemented correctly, voice biometrics can be even more convenient and provide additional security benefits than fingerprints and facial recognition for both consumers and organizations.

Organizations such as New Zealand’s Inland Revenue Department (IRD) and the Bank of New Zealand (BNZ) have benefited from Auraya’s voice biometric technology through improved security outcomes and better user experience for both customers and agents. Verifying with voice helps organizations to expand their self-service options and ultimately, reduce agent handling times. Voice biometrics help organizations stay compliant with the numerous global rules and regulations whilst reducing regulatory costs.

To deliver these benefits, organizations must first have a successful user adoption approach. Successful deployments by IRD, BNZ, and other Auraya partners have several things in common that helped improve their user adoption. These organizations have established communication strategies for both intended enrollees and their call center agents. Intended enrollees were informed about voice biometrics and its benefits. Consent was also required from the intended enrollees before enrolling their voiceprints. Contrived phrases such as “My voice is my secure password” were eliminated and instead, unique customer accounts or phone numbers were used as they are unique and easier to remember. Additionally, with Auraya’s voice biometrics technology, organizations can provide a mix of active and passive voiceprint enrollment approaches for their users whether it is on a telephony contact center platform or a digital platform such as chatbots and mobile apps.



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One Voiceprint For All Customer Contact Channels